The PublicSpaces Digital Powerwash

With this method you check whether the software within your organization meets the public values from our manifesto.

Case: Dutch broadcaster VPRO

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Powerwash Questionnaire

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Welcome to the Digital Powerwash! The Digital Powerwash is the name of a methodology developed by PublicSpaces. This methodology gives an organisation insight into how the software (tools) used within an organization meet the values set out in the Public Spaces manifesto.

Digital Powerwash Roadmap

  1. Make an inventory of the digital instruments that you use. Involve all the relevant disciplines in this inventory: people from marketing, data analysis, digital technology, ICT, etc. We have distinguished between the tools purely for internal use (e.g. an application that monitors the operation of your servers, or your office automation) and the applications with which your audience interacts. Within the latter, you should think about, for instance, applications for sending newsletters, login systems for your audience, but also analysis tools to measure the behaviour of your online visitors.
  2. Create a spreadsheet in which you include your digital tools, and answer a series of questions for each of these applications (download the template with the questions per tool (excel spreadsheet) or the open .ots file). We developed these questions so that they could be answered with a simple yes or no. The questionnaire is arranged according to the five core values ​​of PublicSpaces.
  3. The tool is given a score after all the questions have been answered. The closer the tool scores to 100%, the more the PublicSpaces core values are embedded within the application. We should also consider that most applications have differences within their configuration. For instance, Google Analytics can set up the application so that the last six digits of the IP address of the end-user remain invisible to Google. But you don’t have to. Both the configuration options and the configuration itself shape the final score.
  4. The average of all scores together determines the final score of the organization.


Björn Weijers

Project Leader


Contact Björn